Every kitesurfer reads the IKSURFMAG. It’s an online international magazine about kitesurfing. The articles are about the most famous riders and events.

In the Issue 55 Tomi won the Reader’s Gallery competition. It is about the best kiteboarding picture. Balazs Toth made the stunning photo about Tomi, carving on the frozen surface of the Velence see with a pair of skis.


Here is the issue: http://www.iksurfmag.com/issue55/?page=225

Tomi was also in the magazine another time. That time he didn’t won the competition, but the crew mentioned him and the AE Adrenaline & Endorphin Team.


Link to the magazine: http://www.iksurfmag.com/issue54/?page=225

Some other kind of appearance in the magazine: He is visible on a picture that is about an event. It was the Red Bull Coast 2 Coast, riders meeting. Only his hat is visible, but we know it’s him.


Here is the article: http://www.iksurfmag.com/issue53/?page=131 

That’s it! Hope to see him next time on the cover page 😛