Balaton “átevezés” – Lake Balaton crossing competition
After 4 years the city of Fonyód and the MKKSz decided to make this event BIG. The competition is about to cross Lake Balaton (Fonyód – Badacsony – Fonyód). Competitors are allowed to use any kind of human empowered vehicle on the water. As our team has 3 wins from previous years we decided take part again with more teams.

Dani & Tomi (2015)
This year 1300 vehicles crossed the lake. We had 3 units:
- Men K2 – Dávid Tonk, Dániel Panka
- Women K2 – Eszter Iklódi, Zita Szabó
- Dragon Boat – captain: Bálint Honos

AEndorphin Dragon Boat (2018)
The Dragon Boat team was the fastest but it wasn’t fast enough to get on the podium in its category. But the girls could win the best girls couple.

Eszter & Zita (2018)
After the competition we made a huge party on the AEndorphin Beach.
During the weekends before the party we made the spot to raise the feeling of the Beach Parties. Thanks to Bálint and Gergő.

AEndorphin Beach
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