RRD Obsession MK10, Global Bar V8 review
As every year I’m going to write down my opinion on the newest freestyle orientated kite of RRD, the RRD Obesession MK10. If you are interested in previous year’s models check out my reviews:
It’s been 7 month that I have been using the new Obsessions with the RRD Global Bar V8. I’ve tested it on water (lightwind, strong wind), snow and even on ice. So I believe I have a clear vision about these kites. Please also note that I’m a big fan of RRD, so I may be partiality on these kites side.
I’m a 95 kg rider. Mostly testing the kites in Hungary (gusty wind). If you are interested in the level of my riding, check out the videos you can find on this website, or directly on our Vimeo channel.
RRD Obsession MK10
This year RRD decided to merge Obsession MK9 and Obsession Pro MK3 to RRD Obession MK10. The old RRD and the passion was merged into the new Passion. So lets say that now they have just 2 different kites instead of 3. I felt that the Obsession MK9 was a perfect kite for riders with level from beginning to advanced, but lately I have been looking for some more radical kite. I would say the new obsession is perfect. It is more like the Obsession Pro MK3, I wish I started to use that kite earlier.
I always tried to keep distance from full freestyle kites (like Obsession Pro). The C shape has some bad rumors:
- bad wind range,
- sensitive for gusts,
- difficult to handle.
I can assure you this kite is totally different (maybe all new generation C kites are like this, but this one definitely is). I have always been looking for a kite with good all-round performance. I’m a rider who mostly rides in the Hungarian gusty winds. It often happens, that the wind is super gusty. The wind can drop easily and you don’t want the kite to fall down, otherwise you’ll have to cross fields of bulrushes to escape the lakes. I was using the RRD Obsession MK10 with 4 lines and it really had a good all-round performance and it left that extra smiley on my face after sessions with kiteloops and new-school freestyle.
Freeride – general feeling
First impression when you try a new kite is the response you feel in the bar. For me it is very important. I don’t prefer kites with too light bar pressure, otherwise you won’t feel the kite during difficult jumps. I didn’t really feel the difference from the previous model, which was perfect. The kite can be easily steered without looking.

Featuring Gergo Szkalak
Upwind performance is quite good, I didn’t expect it this good. If you are looking for a real freeride kite take the RRD Passion MK9, it really goes upwind with any effort. Also provides a great lift.
Wind range
The high end of the kite is awesome. The low end is not as good as the previous model’s (RRD Obsession MK9) low end. I used to have Obsession MK9 in sizes of 9m and 12m. First I tried the 9m size of the RRD Obsession MK10. I could only use it in strong winds and I felt I’ll need bigger sizes. The vertical projection of the kite is much less than the vertical projection of the delta shape of the RRD Obsession MK9. So my bigger kite is 13.5m now. (Also the 5 struts design enforces this)
Despite it I had a good experience with the light end of the kite. One day my friend Balala was riding an Ozone Cathalyst 8m while I was riding RRD Obsession MK10 9m. He is a 70-75 kgs rider and we had to end the session right at the same time as the wind was slowly dropping.
Read more about the high end below.
In the air
You often hear that it is difficult to land with a C kite, or they don’t offer as much hangtime. I can assure you that the new RRD Obsession MK10 offers you everything you need. With 4 lines and standard setup it provides a great hangtime. Actually it is easier to reach longer hangtime for beginners also, since the kite can go to the edge of the wind window easier (thanks to the shape). You don’t have to play as much with the pull&release of the bar to make the kite fly right above you. This way the kite will be right above your head in most of the time, and that is what gives you plenty of time even for board-offs.

With the 13.5m in 25-30 knots
Once the previous model was right above you, it holded you very well, but once you started to steer it the area of its vertical projection became smaller due to the small wingtips. During a kiteloop it dropped you faster. The super-square design of the RRD Obsession MK10 provides the feel of extra lift when steering the kite in air. It may won’t take you to a higher amplitude but it will hold you longer close to the peak.
Reaching super heights
When I started kitesurfing I was always into height. I remember my first glides and jumps, beautiful ladies on the shore were pointing to me. For me still the style of King Of The Air is the king discipline of this sport. Huge jumps varied with tricks. So lets say it didn’t really changed. Also in 2017 we had an all season long Woo competition in Hungary that created an urge for huge jumps for us. I don’t want to write down the whole story, you can read the results in an other article. One thing I want to mention is: The competition was pretty close until October:
- for me best 2 jumps 17.3m, 15.9m
- for Bazsi: 17.1m, 16.3m
After a strong wind session with the RRD Obsession MK10 my new scores were 20.6m and 18.8m.
I have an other aritcle about how I reached these heights in choppy conditions without kickers but here I provide a short story:
Problem with the previous model was that in winds around 40 knots the 9m was a bit small. The 10.5m was too powerfull. Once you start to send the kite back it pulls you strong downwind and really difficult to edge. You can reach 14-15m high jumps in a bit lighter winds also, but definitely you will feel the high end of the kite.
On 23rd October a 45-50 knots wind came I already tested the Obsession MK10 in light wind, but this time I wanted to use the MK9 9m since I got used to it. In that strong wind it was not a good idea. The wind was too strong for that kite I had to put it down since the kite was not even holding its shape.
So I pumped up the RRD Obsession MK10 9m. It could handle the gusts well, and took me high, really high. I would say if you jump 20+ meter high with a kite you just use the 2nd time (1st time in strong wind) that is boss for high jumps.
Interesting thing that I still didn’t even feel that the kite was too powerful. I just used the depower during the 30% of the session.
Other experience is when we were riding in a wind when the peak was 73 knots. Of course during our ride the maximum was around 60 knots but still it was really strong. I could handle the kite with depower and I had jumps about 15m (it was gusty so I couldn’t go higher due to the lack of constant lift).
After this experience I was already fell in love with this kite. I decided to order 10.5m and 13.5m sizes since it is really rare that the wind is so strong in Hungary like I mentioned. I said I’ll be able to handle the 10.5m in every condition.
More about high ends
Once the selected kites arrived I had the pleasure to test the 10.5m in Nin (Croatia) on a Bora. Wind was around 45-50 knots again. I could handle it with a little depower, I could jump 16 meters. But it didn’t feel comfortable I knew I’ll have to order also a 9m for these nasty conditions.
Next day the wind was weaker so the 10.5m was perfect. It feels like a small kite (super fast turning) providing enough lift (9m may not take you as high) and looping like a king. I can say I will have my best sessions with a 9m but most often the 10.5m will provide me good sessions since the wind is rarely enough for 9m here.
High end of the 13.5m:
Note that I’m a 95kg rider but I could still handle this kite in every conditions (maybe ~30 knots – when others were using 9m)
This is my favorite discipline and I have never had such good feeling like with this kite. I cannot write down the feeling, it’s just awesome.
One note: I often jump kiteloops in gusty conditions to. When the gust comes on the jump you will feel like the adrenaline is directly injected into your veins. When the wind drops during the loop it can still finish the loop and prevent a crash.
New-school freestyle
Definitely a good choice if you want to open up to this direction. The kite won’t stall without depowering. Providing awesome pops and slacks. If you looking for a really wake-style kite you may try it with 5 lines. For me the feeling of the unhooked kiteloop was one of the best feelings with the kite. It not just pulls you strong, but also softens the landing more since kite goes to the direction of the edge once it finishes the loop. Good thing that all sized are great in this 9m, 10.5m, 13.5m.

Unhooked kiteloop with 13.5m in 25-30 knots (my friend was using 9m for wakestyle)
I didn’t really ride waves and we don’t have waves in Hungary. I would say if you are wave rider you will buy a wave kite like religion but if there are waves out on the spot you are visiting, go for it. It can drift, you will feel the kite’s position. Use it with 4 lines definitely.
Quality, package, others
- They introduced the double rip stop (I guess it is better)
- Kite bag got extra pocket (store keys easily)
- I like the new pumping system:
I guess the idea is coming from Core. You just use the pump without any adapter. This provides the widest available diameter for pumping and it will be compatible with all type of pumps. One thing I noticed is that the cap of the valve can have manufacturer problems. I used 4 different kites of these Obsession MK10. Two of them had a cap that was working fluently. One of them could stuck occasionally and it was difficult to remove. One of them is always difficult to remove. I guess it can be some inaccuracy during the manufacturing.
- Providing different setups. Also the 5th line setup’s ‘V shape bridle’ is included.
- The pink color is awesome
Great kite for all riders. Don’t be afraid if you think you are not advanced enough for this kite. You got a good all-round feeling with chance to improve your jump height, kiteloops and wave-style. Definitely the kite I will use on the GKA Air Games in 2018.
Each year I say something I would improve, this year I could really say anything, I just love this kite. I would be glad if the diameter of the main tube of the 10.5m was a little smaller. It may have technical reasons why it is not thinner, but that would definitely offer lower megaloops.
RRD Global Bar V8 (4 lines)
As RRD released a new kite they are also offering the newest version of their great bar the RRD Global Bar.
I know many people who uses it with different kites since it is really an awesome bar. Safe, clear, well performing. The lines are also one of the strongest. Read my experiment about them.
From V6 the V7 brought down the fork of the power lines. But they had to provide a short 5th line for 100% depower. I didn’t like it since it made more complicated the whole bar. Also the friction was more in the lines after rolls. This time the fork is down, no 5th line, and it provides 100% depower.
Other great feature is that it can rotate easily. Once you perform rolls or loops to just one direction you can simply twirl the lines and the kite lines will be clear again.

RRD Global Bar V8 (4 lines)
After unhooking it was easier to hook back without grabbing the chicken loop with the previous models. The chicken loop had the auto position device on it. The new one can rotate 90 degrees in that case it will be mandatory to grab the chicken loop for hooking back. But as I know most of the riders are hooking back like that. Also the grabbing the chickenloop is more convenient since it is a round round shaped

New rotating chicken loop
The first release system also reformed. Unfortunately it happened to me twice that I activated it unintentionally. I didn’t really feel how I pushed it away, but one moment to the other my kite was already on just one line. Good thing is that both times I could recover the kite (one of the two times I had to go out asap so I could untangle my lines, but the kite was still flying).
They introduced short and long leash. Both of them lacks a carabiner from the side that you hook to your harness. They replaced it with strong rope. I like it since before one of my carabiners opened so I had to use tape to fix them. Also my weight could inflect the carabiner after missing dangle passes. The rope is much stronger.
Bar bag
In my previous review I already mentioned that I love the idea of the bar bag. I mentioned that I had some problems with the size. The new bag is perfect. Big enough and the bar can get some air.
Bar replacement
For me it was a positive impression when RRD found some safety problems with the bar and they decided to change all of them. For free they gave us V8.1 (basically the same, with a little reinforcement)
Try it, you will love it. I’m still surprised why other manufacturers don’t copy it.
June 6, 2018 at 8:41 am
Great review of this kite. I’ve just bought a 12 m version. I’ve been kiting a couple of years , took it out yesterday but struggled to get any power into it.it would fly but felt under powered. Everyone else was on 12s so there was plenty of wind.your thoughts welcome.
June 8, 2018 at 1:22 pm
As I mention in my article you need a bit bigger size than the others. Before I was using 12m Obsession MK9, now 13.5m from this. So if the others also were using 12m open profile kites it maybe was not enough for this C type kite.
My setup:
I use it with 4 lines
Attachment point D is on Standard and I put the pigtail to the last knot (furthest from the kite)
The Steering lines are going for the fast turning attachment point and also to the first knot (closest to the kite – saying most power)
So basically everything is like it was in the package just the attachment point D I put the pigtail to the last knot ==> It will result the front of the kite going more up, so it will give more power to you.
On this site: you can check where is the attahment point D: http://www.robertoriccidesigns.com/equipment/kite/kites/obsession-mk10/ (basically it is where your front lines are coming)
Please also check your lines. If it is an older bar, your front lines could be longer than your steering lines. Than it will result that you won’t be able to give enough power to the kite. If you are using an RRD bar with Rigid Thread lines you should be pretty okay. Read my review on them: http://aendorphin.com/2017/11/rigid-thread-rrd-kite-lines/
June 18, 2018 at 10:30 am
Thanks for the reply. I will try playing with the settings .cheers
August 25, 2020 at 3:47 pm
Hugh – I doubt you will read this 2 years later but I would be interested in how you got on with tuning the kite and whether that helped at all/whether you kept the kite, because I had exactly your experience
October 15, 2020 at 3:56 pm
Hi, I used the default settings.
July 18, 2018 at 3:41 pm
I had a chance to try the MK10 in 12m size and I was a little bit disappointed by the power of the kite like Kindlman. Setting was D2 last knot and Steering lines for the fast turning attachment point and the middle knot, Average wind was about 12m/s, others were riding 9m and even smaller kites and I was fine with OB MK10 in 12m. I felt like I would be bale to ride it even in the stronger wind. But when the wind dropped in the afternoon to the 7-8m/s I had to go out because i wasnt able to ride upwind with my 133×40 board and 85kg. The guys were riding also Obsession MK10 9m on 5lines and said it behaves totaly different. It has more power, its quicker but has less depower and cannot absorb gusts as good.
October 15, 2020 at 3:59 pm
Yes 5 lines makes it totally different. It will be like the new ones Obsession MK11 and Obsession Year25. Regarding the knots: I uses the closer knots on the back lines, I used the last knots on the front lines. This way you can give “more power” to the kite. But in some cases you will have to push the bar to give more speed to the kite: that will actually deliver more power
November 30, 2018 at 11:19 am
I have a Obs 12 mkVI and Obs 9 mkVII and I’m thinking about renewing my stuff. I’m surprised about Jan’s comment.. I can go with the 12 with 12kn 138×42 and 83.. that is my low end.. AM I so bad? 🙂 Anyway I wonder how much do I lose in power with the MK10 series, an d go to passion model instead. I’m enjoying hooked jumps, and I want a good all round kite
December 3, 2018 at 6:45 pm
Dear pier,
we also got your email, but I’ll answer you here.
A little more info from your E-mail:
I like to jump trying to get better, always hooked and I need some power, winds in my area are sometimes low. I was fine with the old Obs, now someone is saying I should go to passion mk9, because obs mk10 is too freestyle. I wonder if I lose or gain with new passion, in terms of speed, and if the passion is too begineer level to improve. Thanks
Your low end is totally okay.
So basically This MK10’s pull feels less than the previous obsessions. It comes from the shape. If see it from above the area of the kite fill be less (vertical projection). So it will be more difficult to ride in light winds. But the power will be more during loops, turns, and I believe one can jump higher with this one in strong winds.
Just a quick experience: I used Obsession MK9 12m before. Then I used Obsession MK10 13.5m. The old one started to pull in lighter winds (it is a really strong kite. Even stronger than yours). But the new one’s high end was much better.
If you live in a place with lighter conditions, a Passion could be a good choice or the Obsession MK8 or MK9 (Check out my friends listings from his school: https://bit.ly/2zE675S)
Personally I don’t like the passion too much. The bar pressure is lighter. The feeling of the kite is not so direct. But it pulls great, lifts awesome, and has better hangtime. Definitely a not so high-advanced-level kite as the Obsession. But don’t afraid, it is a very good kite for intermediate-advanced level. Check for my friend, Julien Leleu. You can see him using the new passion in his videos. When the wind was super strong in Tarifa, and no chance to unhook he was using it. Looping it. It is like Cabrinha Switchblade (good for beginners but also Nick Jacobsen was using it)
Passion is more intelligent, more all-round. Still I don’t like it’s behavior that much. Totally different than your obsessions.
One thing: you won’t regret any of them.
Also note Addiction MK6 is coming out in January: http://www.robertoriccidesigns.com/equipment/kite/kites/addiction-mk6/
It will be really good, maybe the one you are looking for, I guess.
So no worry, you will like all of them. Maybe the new Obsession is not designed for your style, and not for light winds.
I’m not a dealer but I can help you to get kites for about 1150 eur (big sizes). 950 eur (smaller sizes). Maybe it is not the best prices I just checked my friend’s listings. If you like it send a mail like before.
Have a good wind,
February 13, 2020 at 5:53 pm
Hallo dear kiter..I’m 52years old, 1,70cm, 86kg, 25years windsurfer.I’m absolutely new at kitesurf.Last month I completed about 10hours courses with an IKO instructor(did waterstart)..I live in Greece near island Elafonissos, I’m absolutely alone at the beach(I mean it) and most time the wind is very gusty. I have RRD Passion 13,5m(2018) and RRD Passion 10,5m(2019) and RRD Placebo v7 142×45….I want a smaller kite.What do you suggest?…RRD Passion 7m?…RRD Religion 7m/8m?…Obsession 7m/8m?..o what else?…Sea is flat with small chop….side, side-off..Thank youin advance
February 14, 2020 at 10:29 am
Dear George,
sounds great I hope you enjoy kitesurfing. If you need a smaller kite I would definitely go with the same type that you currently has. If you like passion you will like the small size as well, then go for it! Passion 7 or 8m.
But note that Religion will also be a very good kite for you since that can handle gusts pretty well. (7 or 8)
From obsession if you can go with MK8 or MK9 select the size 7 (that is still a powerful kite). From this MK10 select the 7m or 8m. No MK11 or Year 25 Obsession for you. No offense but this will be too punchy for beginner.
May 10, 2020 at 9:18 am
Passion MK9 13.5 is what I have. Declared wind range is 9 to 19knt. As I am 85kg rider I have to say that still now after 1 year of posesion of that kite i cannot figure out what is purpose of that kite. Upwind ability catastrophic. I do not know if there is slower kite than this one. Good usability i get only on third pigtail knot. Also usable wind range starts somewhere on 18knt and going better to 26knt. What to say more.
October 15, 2020 at 4:01 pm
Suggested wind range on RRD kites are given trickily, you have to try it before buy it :\
About the passion: that became better on MK11, and on Y25, Y26 (much faster)
August 28, 2020 at 8:40 am
Hallo my friend..well…I sold my RRD Religion 7m because it was small for me (85kg 170cm)..when I am with Passion 10,5m after 16-17knots I am overpowered, I want something for over 16-17knots(to feel more comfortable as I do just cruising)…I have RRD Placebo 142×45 and RRD Bliss 138×42 Y25..what is your opinion?..RRD Addiction 8?….RRD Passion 7?…or something else?..thank you
October 15, 2020 at 4:02 pm
Addiction MK6 is good on 8m size. But not I don’t like the Year25 Addiction 8m. New passions are great. You can use them in smaller sizes. Also consider this MK10 7m (but not MK11, because that is totally different)
August 31, 2020 at 8:21 am
Hallo..can you tell me please -if you know- the RRD Addiction 8m has range 17-30knots…..is that true in real conditions?…and RRD Passion 7m has range 15-32knots..is that also true in real conditions? (85 kg 138×42 board)..thank you
October 15, 2020 at 4:04 pm
Difficult to say. The MK6 Addiction 8m will have very big high end. The Y25 Addiciton is different, I don’t like that.
September 26, 2020 at 11:21 pm
I have a Religion MK7 in 8 and 10.5m, 67kg naked weight – riding a Poison V5 Wood in Cyprus. Right now I need like 17-18knots of wind to get decent jump height. With 15knots it’s hard to jump properly on the Religion – and my low end is about 11-12 knots for riding upwind.
I’m thinking of adding a bigger kite – for those countless days were we only have 9-15 knots (so 9-18 on the new big kite, 15-25 on the 10.5m Religion, 22-40 on the 8m Religion) . I have about 35 days of kitesurfing (started this July) and recently managed my first intentional kiteloop (23 knots with the 8m) – plus dotched some kiteloops (intentional and unintentional as the Religion 8m really turns fast and sometimes I lost orientation in the air and accidentally kitelooped. I like big/high jumps – but not into freestlye tricks.
Would the Obsession MK10 15m be a good addon to my Religions? The MK10 is pretty cheap (alternatively looking into 13.5m RRD Passion MK9 (bit more expensive) or Liquid Force P1 16m)
October 15, 2020 at 4:07 pm
Hi, none of hem is a good choice in my opinion. You need RRD Passion Y25 13.5m
December 4, 2020 at 4:16 pm
Thanks for your answer – the Passoin Y25 13.5 is like 80% more expensive, too much for the least used kite of my quiver…
But yeah – guess it would fit better..
June 7, 2021 at 9:32 pm
I went with the Obsession MK10 in 15m – yeah should have listened to you. I feel in wind range it is pretty identical to my Religion MK7 in 10.5m.
Usually I rode the 10.5m Religion when everyone else was out on a 12m (but I am 67kg – so 10-20kg lighter than most people here). Now the last 5 days I was out on the Obsession MK10 15m – while most people were out on 12, some on 15. And I have to go out same time as everyone else if wind drops.
I feel I can ride the Obsession MK10 upwind from 13 knots. And around 20 knots I need to change the attachement point as I will be fully depowered. At 22-23 knots it is game over on waist harness. Could still ride it up to 24-25 on a seat harness – but my knee needs surgery and with seat harness I get pain in my knee after 1 hours cause I can edge harder or somehow different body posture.
Usually around 22 knots I switched from 10.5 Religion to 8m Religion – But the 10.5 has the little bit bigger range – Have to get out at 26-27 knots.
The 8m Religion I can ride up to 35 knots (40 gusts) but then it is a proper workout.
Tried the Addiction 12 – I think I should have gone for that one in 13.5. Or a Duotone Rebel.
The Obsession MK10 is great for freestyle however. Stood my first double backroll and such stuff is way easier than on the 10.5m Religion…
I do not understand if for stronger wind it would be better to go from D+++ to D+ or to hook the furthest way loop (if not so strong I would need to do both). Cannot feel much difference there.
December 9, 2020 at 10:29 pm
its hard to find infos on the newer rrd models. I had serveral of the old Obsessions 2011-2016 but after the MK6 Model i switch to the switchblade because i didn t liked the strong Delta und was affraid of the Pro or the later designs similar to the Pro model.
now i have the SB in 10 and 14 with 110+kg they work nicely but i would like to have a faster kite in like 12m that has still enough power but is easier/saver to loop e.g. for light darkslide pratice …. i will never go into real freestyle …. just to old for this stuff
i´m looking for a used addicion mk6 12m for some time but its hard to find for a resonable price and they are almost sold out in 12m as new kites. The Y25 Addiction is probabley more like the Switchblade, at least looks very similar.
After you artikel i though maybe the Obsession 13.5 fits between my switchblades or better the 12m. Is the 13.5 fast enough for looping.
You seem very excited about the new Y25 passion, is this the new alternativ to the Addiction mk6 12m.
I also like oldschool stuff and the older Freeride Passions were alway good in hangtime, can they do both now (BigAir and Loop)
THX Lars
December 18, 2020 at 10:15 am
I haven’t ridden the new Passion yet (Y25 or Y26), But 12 or 13.5 is really a hangtime machine with huge wind range. They are not really for looping, but it will definitely pull you out from a darkslide / handplant or Jesuswalk.
Maybe the Obsession MK10 13.5m is a good choice. The Passion will pull more, but the loop is descent with this kite. Don’t buy newer (like MK11 or Y25 as they are full freestyle). But the MK10 with 4 lines work really handful.
The Addiction Y25 is a hangtime kite, I don’t like how it loops. Nor the big size nor the small size.
Addiction MK6 12m could be a good choice but as you say you cannot find new ones – it is a problem.
If you find a good passion deal, go with it! 12m
If no then the Obsession MK10 13.5m is a good choice as well.
December 18, 2020 at 1:40 pm
I can get you and Addiction MK6 12m for 880 EUR or a Passion MK9 12m for 850 EUR. I don’t have too much experience with that Passion, I just rode a 9m and I didn’t like it because of the light bar pressure.
January 15, 2021 at 8:02 pm
Hello, I’m 65 kg. How is the mk10 13.5m wind range? Board 135x39cm. How does it perform in low wind? For example 8-10 knots would be too much trouble? Or do you need 12 knots or more for 65 kg?
Thank you.
February 5, 2021 at 1:00 pm
Hello Tuni,
hard so say. I’m 90kgs. I could hold the kite for long (25knots). For me. 13-14 knots was needed with 139×42. You you maybe 10 knots is enough. I don’t remember how it feels to be lightweight 😀 I don1t think that twintip will work under 10 knots
January 19, 2021 at 10:23 am
Hallo, at last I bought RRD Addiction 8m y24..it’s amazing kite, I feel confidence and it has great depower in gusty conditions when you need it. What is the real difference when kiting between Addiction Y24 vs Y25? (I know Y-24 is 3-strut and Y-25 is 5-strut)..because I want to change RRD Passion 10.5 mk10..I also want to tell me your opinion about Nomad wave-twintip (custom board)..thank you
February 5, 2021 at 1:06 pm
Hi George,
glad that you are happy with your RRD Addiction 8m Y24 (MKVI). The Y25 is completely different. Y24 is better for me. The Y25 is pulling hard on the frontlines. It takes you higher than most of the kites. But I didn’t feel it comfortable in the air. It is something like Duotone Rebel. If you want to go high it is good, but it is not so convenient.
I used O-Zone Enduro V2 10m and RRD Addiction 8m in Cape Town. Right after each other. I could go higher with the Addiction but couldn’t land it softly. With Enduro I felt more convenient (didn’t feel the “overpower”) and still could jump super high. Addiciton feels like overpowered (I rarely feel this on kites).
If you can change the Passion, change it for y24 Addiction
I have no experience with Nomad wave-twintip custom boards.
March 18, 2021 at 11:16 am
Hallo my friend..have you tested RRD Addiction Y26?….I want something comfortable, not biting, something like Addiction mk6 (y24) in RRD collection st 10.5m…thank you
July 25, 2021 at 5:55 pm
Hallo..which us the best RRD kite for super gusty conditions?…I want to change my Passion mk10 10.5n which is awful in gusty condiriobs..thank you
October 13, 2021 at 12:39 pm
Hallo my friends…just for info..I bought RRD Addiction Y26(2021) 10.5m and 8m…both are great kites and especially at gusty conditions.I’m very happy..